
Testimonials raise your integrity

Testimonials is created as a Plugin, so you can deactivate it, if you don’t have a need for it. Get Testimonials from your customers by an internal form. They are handled like Comments. You decide, if you want to show a Testimonial and you can still edit it before releasing.

Testimonial shortcode comes with Grid, Masonry and Carousel layout. You can decide, how many Testimonials you want to see in one row and how many Testimonials you want to show on that page.

Testimonials Input Form shortcode helps you to create the input form for your customers.

Testimonials Widget lets you show Testimonials on Sidebars and Footerbar as a carousel. You decide how many Testimonials shall be shown.


  • Use Testimonials to show your customer reactions
  • With Testimonial Input Form shortcode your customers can send Testimonials like Comments. Optionally you will receive an Email
  • You have to decide, which Testimonials shall be shown and you can make small changes
  • You can even create own Testimonials, if you got it from another source
  • Testimonials shortcode lets you select between Grid, Masonry or Carousel style
  • For Grid and Masonry select how many Testimonials fit into one row
  • Select the number of Testimonials to show
  • Optionally show Customer Avatar if available.
  • Full Testimonial is shown as a modal

3 Testimonials

Justin McDoe

Cu quot vero pro, no case mutat pri, ponderum antiopam mea te. Nulla verterem has ne, vel elitr indoctum ea, ei pri viris nullam phaedrum. Dictas convenire vel at. Ex quis definiebas pri, vim ne vero consequat, an per brute lorem sanctus. Ut nobis quaerendum est, cum et tollit graeco, qui no noluisse theophrastus. Numquam ...

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Jesse McDoe

Nullam ignota iuvaret eam id, vix eu mentitum comprehensam. Id eam graeco antiopam, mei ex aperiam aliquam, et mel possim constituto. Qui at case tincidunt philosophia, has lorem periculis ex, facilis offendit his id. Voluptua moderatius ea mel, et mea dolor bonorum, vix ad veritus albucius. Pri commodo vocibus oporteat cu, no possim mediocrem voluptatibus ...

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Jeremy McDoe

Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Nam nec ante. Sed lacinia, urna non tincidunt mattis, tortor neque adipiscing diam, a cursus ipsum ante quis turpis. Nulla facilisi. Ut fringilla. Suspendisse potenti. Nunc feugiat mi a tellus consequat imperdiet. Vestibulum sapien. Proin quam. Etiam ultrices. Suspendisse in justo eu ...

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